(702) 602-6600
  710 Coronado Center Dr Suite 200, Henderson, NV 89052

Cirujano Colorrectal en Boulder City

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Cirujano Colorrectal en Boulder City

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Dr. Chanu Dasari

El Mejor Cirujano Colorrectal de Boulder City.

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Dr. Chanu Dasari

Boulder City’s Premier Colorectal Surgeon.

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Dr. Chanu Dasari

Boulder City’s Premier Colorectal Surgeon.

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¿Qué es un Cirujano Colorrectal de Boulder City?

Un especialista que trata problemas relacionados con el colon y el recto se llama cirujano colorrectal. Se especializan en proporcionar diversos tratamientos para enfermedades del colon, intestino delgado, recto y ano. También pueden ayudar a curar ciertas afecciones del hígado, el tracto urinario y el sistema reproductivo de las mujeres. Un cirujano colorrectal en Boulder City analizará sus síntomas, identificará la causa y determinará el mejor curso de acción.

El Dr. Chanu Dasari es un destacado cirujano colorrectal de Boulder City y brindará toda la atención necesaria para solucionar sus dolencias relacionadas con el colon o el recto.

¿Cuándo debo consultar a un Cirujano Colorrectal en Boulder City?

Cualquier persona que experimente los siguientes síntomas debería considerar buscar una remisión a un cirujano colorrectal:

  • Absceso o forúnculo en el área anal o de la ingle
  • Incontinencia urinaria o intestinal
  • Sangrado del recto
  • Heces negras
  • Picazón anal
  • Estreñimiento o diarrea persistentes
  • Dolor abdominal, anal o rectal severo

También podría considerar buscar ayuda del cirujano si ha tenido una enfermedad continua del tracto digestivo, el sistema urinario o reproductivo, incluyendo colitis ulcerosa o prolapso rectal.

El cirujano colorrectal, después de un análisis exhaustivo, recomendaría pruebas especializadas o una colonoscopia para una evaluación adicional si es necesario.

¿Qué trata un Cirujano Colorrectal de Boulder City?

Algunas afecciones que tratan los cirujanos colorrectales incluyen:

  • Cáncer de recto y colon
  • Diverticulosis
  • Fisuras anales
  • Hemorroides
  • Abscesos, verrugas anales y fístulas
  • Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal
  • Colitis ulcerosa
  • Enfermedad de Crohn
  • Prolapso de la vejiga o del recto

El cirujano comenzará realizando una consulta de sus síntomas y probablemente realizará una serie de pruebas para determinar un diagnóstico. También analizará sus antecedentes familiares y su historial médico para determinar su factor de riesgo para enfermedades como el cáncer y la enfermedad de Crohn.

La prueba más común para problemas del colon que realizará un cirujano se conoce como colonoscopia, durante la cual se inserta un tubo delgado con una cámara para un análisis exhaustivo del tejido en el colon. Una prueba conocida como colonoscopia virtual en Boulder City también se puede realizar utilizando resonancias magnéticas y tomografías computarizadas para detectar anomalías en el colon. Otras pruebas, como una sigmoidoscopia y una proctoscopia, pueden recomendarse según sus síntomas.

¿Qué Tratamientos Colorrectales están disponibles en Boulder City?

Un cirujano de colon (o un cirujano rectal) puede realizar una variedad de procedimientos para tratar o curar dolencias del tracto digestivo. Estos procedimientos generalmente incluyen:

  • Reparación de obstrucción intestinal.
  • Colectomía: extirpación de una parte o la totalidad del colon.
  • Colonoscopia: extirpación de cualquier crecimiento precanceroso.
  • Colostomía: permite que las heces pasen al abdomen a través del intestino grueso.
  • Drenaje de cualquier absceso perianal y absceso pilonidal.
  • Extirpación de hemorroides.

En algunos casos, el médico podría recomendar el uso de medicamentos como antibióticos y antiinflamatorios en lugar de la cirugía.

Dr. Chanu Dasari, Renombrado Cirujano Colorrectal en Boulder City

El Dr. Dasari se compromete a brindar la mejor atención a todos sus pacientes. Es afiliado del Hospital Henderson, brindando la mejor atención quirúrgica para pacientes hospitalizados y ambulatorios lo más cerca de sus pacientes. Si desea que el Dr. Dasari evalúe sus síntomas relacionados con el colon o el recto, comuníquese con su clínica, Cirugía Mínimamente Invasiva, al (702) 602-6600 para programar una consulta.


Dr. Dasari is a supurb surgeon! I decided seek a general surgeon for a second opinion as I was getting nowhere with my gastro doctor. Thank goodness I called Dr. Dasari's office. I believe I called on a Tuesday and Angel got me in for my initial appointment three days later. The staff are all so nice and so professional. They really get to know their patients. I was only in the office 3 times, but they know me!. On my initial visit, Dr. Dasari really listened and truly cared and took his time with me. He discovered some things my other doctors had missed, and was spot on! I was so glad he told me I needed to have my gallbladder removed. I have felt 110% better since my surgery. My pathology report came back that I had chronic cholecystitis, but my gastro doctor was convinced the surgery would not help me. Dr. Dasari is a gem! If I had not made that initial visit to his office, I would probably think I was dying right now. I will be recommending Dr. Dasari to everyone!
K. Arkens
Courtesy of healthgrades
Dr. Dasari is a genius. We are blessed and grateful that we found him. He is caring, and thorough. He takes time to ask questions and listen carefully skillfully analyzing the diagnosis. He is our #superhero. We are so very grateful for his knowledge and skill. He is definitely the best surgeon in Vegas
P. Brown
Courtesy of Google
Dr. Dasari is an amazing Surgeon, my 21 year old Daughter was treated like a patient that mattered to him and not like another surgical procedure he had to schedule. Takes the time to explain everything and listens to all your concerns and questions. My Daughters much needed surgical procedure removing a tumor from her right breast was beautiful done, no deformity at all. A true "Surgical Artist". Angel and the rest of the office staff are amazing, friendly and caring. Take the time to get to know you. Thank you all for what you have done for my Daughter!
L. McCormack
Courtesy of Google
I wanted a second opinion about a surgery and I was recommended to go see Dr. Dasari. I'm so glad I was because he was able/willing to take the time and explain to me the intricacies of what this surgery would entail. He's not only an intelligent surgeon, but his bedside manner is bar none. I wouldn't hesitate to choose him as my surgeon again if need be.
L. Ng
Courtesy of healthgrades
Dr. Dasari is a supurb surgeon! I decided seek a general surgeon for a second opinion as I was getting nowhere with my gastro doctor. Thank goodness I called Dr. Dasari's office. I believe I called on a Tuesday and Angel got me in for my initial appointment three days later. The staff are all so nice and so professional. They really get to know their patients. I was only in the office 3 times, but they know me!. On my initial visit, Dr. Dasari really listened and truly cared and took his time with me. He discovered some things my other doctors had missed, and was spot on! I was so glad he told me I needed to have my gallbladder removed. I have felt 110% better since my surgery. My pathology report came back that I had chronic cholecystitis, but my gastro doctor was convinced the surgery would not help me. Dr. Dasari is a gem! If I had not made that initial visit to his office, I would probably think I was dying right now. I will be recommending Dr. Dasari to everyone!
K. Arkens
Courtesy of healthgrades
Dr. Dasari is a genius. We are blessed and grateful that we found him. He is caring, and thorough. He takes time to ask questions and listen carefully skillfully analyzing the diagnosis. He is our #superhero. We are so very grateful for his knowledge and skill. He is definitely the best surgeon in Vegas
P. Brown
Courtesy of Google

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Chanu Dasari

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Chanu Dasari

Call Our Clinic Today!

Dr. Dasari is board-certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties, American College of Surgeons, and is a qualified, licensed medical practitioner by the National Board of Medical Examiners and Federation of State Medical Boards. Dr. Dasari provides unparalleled expertise in minimally-invasive treatment options for digestive disease, chronic inflammation, and cancer.


Minimally Invasive Surgery

710 Coronado Center Dr Suite 200,Henderson, NV 89052

Monday: 8AM - 5PM

Tuesday: 8AM - 5PM

Wednesday: 8AM - 5PM

Thursday: 8AM - 5PM

Friday: 8AM - 5PM

Saturday - Sunday: Closed


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