Dr. Chanu Dasari specializes in lipoma removal surgery and has been performing the procedure for years. He has been praised by many as one of the best in the removal of complex lipomas. His treatments are patient-centered and minimally invasive.
Lipomas, which are benign, can grow very large (over one foot in diameter, weighing over 40 lbs). Large-sized tumors (greater than 4-5cm) which continue to increase in size can grow into adjacent structures and become malignant in nature. Malignant fatty tumors are called sarcomas or liposarcomas and are often indistinguishable from their benign counterparts.
If a lipoma is not completely excised, it can “grow” back. Typically this will not occur with a skilled surgeon. It is possible to have a brand-new lipoma grow just next to a previously excised one due to ongoing chronic irritation in the area.
Several clients over the years have presented with numerous lipomas, some of which cause pain and irritation. Some people have formed lipomas all their lives and come into the office for periodic excisions. Typically when the tumors are smaller, excising them is much easier.
If you are experiencing a fatty tumor that is growing in size, causing irritation or pain or is simply an eyesore and causing much grief, contact Dr. Dasari.
Smaller sized lipomas can be removed under local anesthetic in the clinic under most circumstances. If the lipoma is deeper or occupies a sensitive area, a personalized plan for operative intervention will be discussed with you to ensure a hassle-free surgery and swift recovery.
Dr. Dasari welcomes and accommodates uninsured, direct-pay clients and offers special discounts for those traveling from other states or countries. If you are looking for the highest quality of minimally-invasive Lipoma treatments without the involvement of your insurance company, contact our caring staff today!
Dr. Dasari sees patients who are seeking specialized minimally invasive treatments from out of the state such as from California, Utah, Arizona, Texas, New York, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, and Hawaii. He also sees patients from outside of the country such as from the UK, Australia, China, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico.
Dr. Dasari’s team assists with arrangements for your visit, including priority appointment times, special accommodations, and travel logistics. An online consultation and health records review will be scheduled.